

東元綜合醫院婦產部 部主任    田明訓 醫師

近日COVID19疫情有增加的趨勢,特別是Delta 病毒株具有高傳染力,摘錄美國CDC對於孕婦的建議給大家參考如下:

New CDC Data: COVID-19 Vaccination Safe for Pregnant People
新CDC數據: 新冠肺炎疫苗接種對於懷孕者具安全性
Wednesday, August 11, 2021


CDC has released new data on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant people and is recommending all people 12 years of age and older get vaccinated against COVID-19.
CDC近期發佈有關懷孕接種新冠肺炎疫苗安全的新數據, 並且建議所有12歲以上接種藉以抵抗新冠肺炎。

“CDC encourages all pregnant people or people who are thinking about becoming pregnant and those breastfeeding to get vaccinated to protect themselves from COVID-19,” said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. “The vaccines are safe and effective, and it has never been more urgent to increase vaccinations as we face the highly transmissible Delta variant and see severe outcomes from COVID-19 among unvaccinated pregnant people.”
CDCDirector Dr. Rochelle Walensky鼓勵所有懷孕者或計畫懷孕以及哺乳者接種疫苗以保護自己免於感染新冠肺炎. “疫苗是安全及有效的.我們正面臨著具有高度傳播性的Delta變種,且見到未接種疫苗的懷孕者對於新冠肺炎所產生的嚴重結果, 使我們更急迫的想提高疫苗接種。

A new CDC analysisexternal icon of current data from the v-safe pregnancy registry assessed vaccination early in pregnancy and did not find an increased risk of miscarriage among nearly 2,500 pregnant women who received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Miscarriage typically occurs in about 11-16% of pregnancies, and this study found miscarriage rates after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine were around 13%, similar to the expected rate of miscarriage in the general population.
依據新的CDC分析資料從v-safe懷孕登記處評估懷孕初期接種疫苗狀況,將近2500位懷孕婦女於20周前即接種mRNA 新冠肺炎疫苗, 並未發現有增加流產的風險. 基本上於孕期中流產發生率約11-16%,此研究發現在接種新冠肺炎疫苗後流產的發生率約13%, 這數字相似於一般的流產率。

Previously, data from three safety monitoring systems did not find any safety concerns for pregnant people who were vaccinated late in pregnancy or for their babies. Combined, these data and the known severe risks of COVID-19 during pregnancy demonstrate that the benefits of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant people outweigh any known or potential risks.
早先從three safety monitoring systems資料中並未發現對於在懷孕晚期接種疫苗的孕婦或嬰兒有任何安全性的顧慮.綜合而言, 這些資料和新冠肺炎已知的嚴重性風險顯示, 懷孕者接種新冠肺炎疫苗所收到的利益大於已知或潛在性的風險。

Clinicians have seen the number of pregnant people infected with COVID-19 rise in the past several weeks. The increased circulation of the highly contagious Delta variant, the low vaccine uptake among pregnant people, and the increased risk of severe illness and pregnancy complications related to COVID-19 infection among pregnant people make vaccination for this population more urgent than ever.
臨床醫生已經見到在過去幾周懷孕者感染新冠肺炎數上升. 這高接觸性傳染的Delta變異株上升的傳播率, 懷孕者的低接種率, 和嚴重性疾病升高的風險及孕期併發症與感染與新冠肺炎有關使得接種疫苗在懷孕這群組中顯得比以往更急迫。

建議所有的懷孕婦女都盡速接種疫苗,原則上以mRNA疫苗為主(莫德納或BNT),台灣婦產科醫學會則建議在懷孕12周以後再行施打較佳. 近期疫苗來源並不穩定,所以如有要施打的孕婦,可以多方查詢.本院如有疫苗可供接種,也會在網站上公布.歡迎大家踴躍預約。


婦產部 部主任
田明訓 醫師


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